River & Fisheries Program

Protecting water quality and fisheries of our region’s watersheds

Deep, clear holes on the South Fork of the Salmon River

Deep, clear holes on the South Fork of the Salmon River sustain the rivers last runs of spring Chinook salmon

The Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains contain the largest concentration of Wild & Scenic rivers in the country (outside Alaska). The region is known for wild rivers, clean water and native fisheries, and at KFA we hope to keep it that way.

The Klamath Forest Alliance has been a consistent voice for these rivers and their tributary streams. We monitor and comment on federal and state projects that impact the Klamath River and its tributaries including the Shasta River, Scott River, Salmon River and the Klamath Basin. Our program has historically had a strong focus on protecting the water quality and fisheries of the Klamath River watershed and its spectacular tributary streams.

…working to promote the designation of additional Wild & Scenic river segments….

Currently we are working to promote the designation of additional Wild & Scenic river segments in the most intact portions of the Applegate River watershed in both Oregon and California.

The Wild & Scenic Salmon River

The Wild & Scenic Salmon River

Since 1989, KFA has advocated for the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountain Region through ongoing programs and environmental activism. Please consider supporting our work today.

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