Forest Watch
Advocating for the benefit of wildlife, watersheds and biodiversity

The diversified forests of the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains define our region and Klamath Forest Alliance has worked for over 30 years to protect, defend and restore these forests for the benefit of wildlife, watersheds and biodiversity.
Klamath Forest Alliance is well known for our on-the-ground monitoring of federal timber sales. We have consistently focused on providing in-depth, on-the-ground monitoring and analysis of federal timber sale projects throughout the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains. We publicize our findings and use them to inform our campaigns and produce detailed, site specific and science-based public comments, administrative protests, objections, appeals and monitoring reports. This site specific information is also utilized in litigation to stop damaging public land logging projects.
…Klamath Forest Alliance has worked for over 30 years to protect, defend and restore these forests….

Our Forest Watch program has successfully saved many thousands of acres of federal forest from industrial or old-growth logging in both northwestern California and southwestern Oregon. We are currently focused on both Forest Service and BLM land throughout the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains.